Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lots of fun today!

We had a photoshoot in Brooklyn with photographer Elizabeth Waugh (amazing, amazing, AMAZING)

This is my, "I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep, I'm listening to GaGa, and too lazy to take my makeup off" face.

Thank you SO SO SO SO SO much to Elizabeth Waugh for taking the amazing photos, Zoey Washington for finding us amazing clothes to wear for the shoot, Jillian Halouska for doing hair and makeup, and everyone else that was there at the shoot today helping out and making us look awesome and feel totally comfortable.

xo Carly

Friday, May 20, 2011

Double Post Today!


I'm up early today to go visit a school that is putting on a play inspired by us! I'm so excited. It's going to be so cute. I like cute stuff.

Here is what I'm wearing for the day! It's muggy out :|

I am wearing:
Top = H&M
Shorts = Forever21
Shoes = LF Stores/NYC/JCxLF
Jacket = Hot Topic

I was playing around with my hair, and decided to clip it back to see what I would look like with short short hair. So here it is, sorta.

Hoorah for crappy photobooth photos!

xo Carly

Monday, May 16, 2011

What do you guys think...

of short short haircuts?

I can't help but want one so badly. My hair problems would be solved, my hair would grow out healthy, and I wouldn't have to worry about styling my hair. The problem with them though, is having to get used to your whole face being exposed. And my hair has NEVER been that short so I don't know how it would look or if I would like it.

I have to say that if I was going to cut it short, I would cut it like Twiggy. Every once in awhile I go through 60s phases where I just want to wear mod dresses and cut my hair short.

But what do you guys think? Would you ever do it? Do you think I could pull it off? Also, what color would I dye my hair if I ended up cutting it this short? Eeeep.

xo Carly

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am wearing:
Jacket = H&M
Dress = Modcloth
Shoes = LF Stores/NYC/JCxLF Stunning

xo Carly

I am wearing:
Dress = Urban Outfitters
Belt = Charlotte Russe
Shoes = LF Stores/NYC/JCxLF Stunning

And while I'm at it...
Happy Birthday to Duran! :)
His birthday was on May 3rd, but I decided to post something about it. He's 16! Crazy, I met him when he was only 13. Anyways, Duran and I have been through thick and thin, good times and bad times... we've been through pretty much everything together. No matter what, he will always be my best friend. I love him more than anything, and he deserves the world.


xo Carly

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Apologies

All Apologies, hehe.

Sorry I haven't been updating. The past weekend was crazy. And I've been sick :/

But I'm back. And going to Florida and Maryland this weekend.

Here's an outfit for you. I'll probably wear it in Florida rather than Maryland :)

If you click on the photo, it'll bring you to a page where it's larger.

Look at my new shoes! I actually got them. I can't stop looking at them. They are SO cute. Definitely worth actually spending that money.

I am wearing:
Dress = Found it at some random tent at The Vibes Festival last summer
Sweater type thing = Charlotte Russe (For $10! Hehe)
Shoes = LF Stores/NYC/JCxLF Stunning

So I've got my bags packed for the warm weather (even though we won't be there for long), my SPF 90 and 70 sunscreen so that I won't get the least bit tan, and my new shooooooooes! I'm stoked.

xo Carly